Recently, some people are asking me about the meaning of MSHILOR, It Sounds so logical. Here we are, I’m going to give a very simple answer: Be Real, authentic, and Global. In fact, MSHILOR is a combined word of three different languages which links the world map( M means MENA region, SH means the English speaking countries, L’OR IS a French word which covers the French-speaking countries. Therefore, the world of trade has become more global than any time before, so we are reliably global.
Our products are original and real. For example, I was working in different companies a few years ago. It was hard to explain branding to Chinese local companies because they really don’t care about what means to develop your own brand instead of production and sales. So, Most of them started from the OEM model to overseas markets, however; they already spent over ten years at abroad markets, and still keeping that traditional way of doing trading: brandless, valueless.
In short, a brand is an intangible resource and a beacon. It leads your enterprise to a bright developed path and future. I decided to quit my job and established my Brand "MSHILOR" in 2016. So I do the thing that makes me happy and authentic. life is about feeding your soul. Be Real, Be Yourself, MSHILOR