
AR Smart Audio Glasses M9 Virtual Theater, Augmented Reality Glasses, Watch, Stream, and Game on PC/Android/iOS–Consoles & Cloud Gaming Compatible

$699.00 Sale price $4,300.00
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Only 1495 units are available!


AR optical display technology exceeds the international level, with a light transmittance of over 90% and a resolution of 1080P
The Micro-OLED is specially developed for special industries and can work normally in extreme situations such as low temperatures and long battery life
Two-dimensional pupil expansion technique, compact and small, minimum weight is only 8g

Fully functional and flexible in configuration
            Weight: 38.6g
            Camera: 8M/USB
            Sensor:2 Mic (Support arrays; voice command)
            Control: Single shortcut button on the right side
                    (Support feature customization)
            Network way: Wireless cast screen
            Double-eye color: BI PRO
            Optional: TWS sound effects both ears stereo temple
                      (Can be equipped with only one)
             AR display: AW70s optical machine
             FOV: 30°
             Display: LCOS

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